Cant set default search provider internet explorer

A Program on your computer has corrupted your default search provider setting for Internet Explorer

You may find after installing the new Internet Explorer 8 (ie8) that you are unable to set alternative default search providers. Often it appears as if the “make default” button does nothing and the resulting error message.

“A Program on your computer has corrupted your default search setting for Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer has reset this setting to your original search provider. (

Internet Explorer will now open Search Settings, where you can change this setting or install more search providers.”

Well i have an easy fix for you. from here you have 2 Options (THIS IS SET FOR XP ONLY I HAVE NOT TESTED WITH VISTA)

The Manual Way:

1. Open regedit (start > run > regedit)

2. Navigate to the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

3. Add a new Expandable String value inside the above key with a value name of “AppData” and a value data of “%USERPROFILE%\Application Data”.

4. Restart ie8 and attempt to change the deault search provider.

The Auto Way:

Download the attachment at the end of this article and run it. It will merge the above key automatically. This is XP tested ONLY.

Let me know how you go!


Fixes deault search provider error
Title: iefix (1333 clicks)
Caption: Fixes deault search provider error
Filename: ie8fix.reg
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